A thought-provoking educational program for nephrologists, aims to delve into challenging clinical conditions commonly encountered by nephrologists through a series of five engaging dialogues. This unique initiative includes a format of debates and discussions involving both the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) and Indian subject matter experts with an aim to enhance clinical learning and promote best practices.
Founded in 1966, the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) is the world's largest professional society devoted to the study of kidney disease. Composed of over 20,000 physicians and scientists, ASN promotes expert patient care, advances medical research, and educates the renal community.
ASN Faculty
Director, Center for Precision Medicine,
UT Health San Antonio (UTHSA),
Founding Member, San Antonio Partnership
for Precision Therapeutics, San Antonio, Texas
Indian Expert
MD, MNAMS, DM (Nephrology)
Director & Chief Nephrologist,
Madurai Kidney Centre & Transplantation
Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu
MBBS, MD, DM (Nephrology), FISN (USA)
Senior Director, Head of Nephrology &
Renal Transplantation,
BLK-Max Hospital, Delhi and Max Hospital, Gurgaon
Date: 17th August; Time: 8:30 PM
Faculty: Dr. Holly Kramer, Dr. Edwin Fernando, & Dr. Bismay Kumar
Date: 15th November; Time: 8:30 PM
Faculty: Dr Anna Zisman, Dr Rushi Deshpande, & Dr K Mahesh Prasad
Date: 06th December; Time: 8:30 PM
Faculty: Dr Kumar Sharma, Dr T Dhinakaran & Dr Sunil Prakash